RO-Crate in use
These applications are known to use or expose RO-Crates to describe Data, Datasets or Workflows.
This page shows all use cases. You can also browse the use cases by the domains, tasks, or roles that interest you most.
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AROMA (ARP RO-Crate Manager) is part of Hungarian initiative ELKH ARP, extending Harvard Dataverse to allow dynamic metadata editing of data deposit metadata.
Arkisto was a project website that aimed to outline a principled approach to research data management.
Autosubmit is an open source Python experiment and workflow manager used to manage complex workflows on Cloud and HPC platforms. Autosubmit uses RO-Crate to package the configuration, traces (logs, metrics, databases, etc.), and data of experiments and workflows.
JAX BioConnect is an index of research data that supports data sharing, high-quality curation, and consistent data description.
The COMPSs programming model is able to record Workflow Provenance in RO-Crate format, for governance and reproducibility of computational experiments
DataPLANT`s mission is to provide a sustainable and well annotated data management platform for plant sciences.
The Data Stewardship Wizard (DSW) is an interactive platform for making data management plans
The DeSci Nodes system has been developed by the DeSci foundation, where dPID (distibuted Persistent Identifier) act as an overlay of the Interplanetary File System (IPFS)
EGI’s Application Database (AppDB) has support for RO-Crate download, either as a JSON-LD metadata file or a ZIP archive.
FAIRSCAPE is a framework for reusable cloud-based computations using ARK identifiers with rich provenance in an evidence graph and the Evidence Graph Ontology (EVI)
The Five Safes RO-Crate profile extend the Workflow Run RO-Crate profile for use in Trusted Research Environments (TRE).
Knowledge Enhanced Digital Objects (KEDO) is an experimental approach of building a data lake using a combination of knowledge graphs, RO-Crate and PID records.
LDaCA uses RO-Crate as an interchange and archive format for language data, and is providing data discovery portals and API access to data using RO-Crate-centric APIs.
Life Monitor is a testing and monitoring service for computational workflows being developed as part of the EOSC-Life project. It aims to facilitate the execution, monitoring and sharing of workflow tests over time, allowing to detect deviations from expected workflow operation and provide useful feedback to the workflow authors
LivePublication is a proof of concept of an executable paper, which interactive visualization and statistical calculations can be regenerated on the fly taking into consideration data sources updated after the paper’s publication date.
RDA maDMP Mapper and Ro-Crate_2ma-DMP can convert between machine-actionable data management plans (maDMP) and RO-Crate.
Pacific and Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered Cultures (PARADISEC) holds 16,100 hours of audio recordings and 2,800 hours of video recordings that might otherwise have been lost. These recordings are of performance, narrative, singing, and other oral tradition. This amounts to over 220 terabytes, and represents 1,370 languages, mainly from the Pacific region.
ROHub is a solution for the storage, lifecycle management and preservation of scientific work and operational processes via research objects. It makes these resources available to others, allows to publish and release them through a DOI, and allows to discover and reuse pre-existing scientific knowledge.
RRKive is a website aimed to outline a principled approach to research data management with guidance on data storage and metadata
Reproducible XAFS Analyses publishes reproducible X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) analyses using Galaxy RO-Crates, targeting the area of Catalysis.
Research Object Composer is a REST API for gradually building and depositing Research Objects according to a pre-defined profile.
Sciebo RDS (Research Data Services) is a self-hosted interface between data repositories and file storage solutions, assisting the research data deposition process with annotations made using Describo Online and stored as an RO-Crate
The Survey Ontology is an open vocabulary that allows representing, annotating and sharing a representation of the survey structure and the gathered responses.
TLCMap is a set of tools that work together for mapping Australian history and culture which includes downloads of geographical data packaged in RO-Crate
The UTS Cultural Datasets project is collaborating with Humanities and Social Science (HASS) researchers and is re-using existing UTS Data infrastructure to build interactive services that allow people to use the data.
The UTS Research Data Repository is a searchable portal for discovering and accessing public datasets by UTS researchers.
Senckenberg’s Wildlive data portal, is a repository and analysis platform for biodiversity monitoring.
WfExS-backend is a high-level workflow execution command line program that consumes and creates RO-Crates, focusing on the interconnection of content-sensitive research infrastructures for handling sensitive human data analysis scenarios
WorkflowHub imports and exports Workflow RO-Crates, using it as an exchange format. They are a specialization of RO-Crate for packaging an executable workflow with all necessary documentation. It is aligned with, and intends to strictly extend, the more general Bioschemas ComputationalWorkflow profile.
The Semantic Technologies (SemTec) team in ZB MED uses GitHub pages to share research projects and corresponding research artefacts/outcomes.