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ROHub (Research Object Hub), one of EOSC research enabling services, is a holistic solution for the storage, lifecycle management and preservation of scientific work and operational processes via research objects. It makes these resources available to others, allows to publish and release them through a DOI, and allows to discover and reuse pre-existing scientific knowledge.

ROHub is a reference platform implementing natively the full Research Object (RO) model and paradigm, which provides the backbone to a wealth of RO-centric applications and interfaces across different scientific communities.

ROHub imports and exports RO-Crates, using it as an exchange format, and is integrated with or leverages other EOSC services (e.g., EOSC AAI (EGI Check-In) to enable SSO across different EOSC services, export and dissemination of research objects in other EOSC repositories/services (Zenodo, B2Share), use of storage systems/services provided by EOSC to enable larger scalability (B2drop), and connection with computational services (EGI Notebooks).

Additionally, as part of RELIANCE project, ROHub is being integrated with data cubes services to facilitate access and reuse of large geospatial data.

ROHub functionalities can be used via the Web portal and via the provided Python library.

The ROHub interface, showing steps for research object quality at the top with 'Basic information' step selected. A form shows the research object title, description, and choices for which publication service to use and whether to create a DOI
ROHub screenshot, export to publication service B2SHare with DOI

RO-Crate in ROHub API

The ROHub API provides support for upload, export and customized download.

In addition, publication of an RO to Zenodo/B2Share (evolution to ARCHIVE) uses RO-Crate for archival purposes.

The API uses content-negotiation for different content types.

Example, for application/ld+json gives the RO-Crate Metadata file:

curl -H "Accept: application/ld+json"

  "@context": { … },
  "@graph": [
      "@id": "./",
      "identifier": "",
      "hasPart": […],
      "@type": [

For application/zip as a zipped RO-Crate:

$ curl -f -o -H "Accept: application/zip"
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  402k  100  402k    0     0  40897      0  0:00:10  0:00:10 --:--:--  104k

$ unzip -t
    testing: tool/                    OK
    testing: output/                  OK
    testing: input/                   OK
    testing: biblio/                  OK
    testing: ro-crate-preview.html    OK
    testing: ro-crate-metadata.json   OK
    testing: tool/VSM_logo.gif        OK
    testing: output/VSM_res_sar2.png   OK
    testing: output/VSM.log           OK
    testing: output/VSM_best.csv      OK
    testing: output/VSM_res_sar1.png   OK
    testing: output/VSM_res_sar3.png   OK



Andres Garcia-Silva, Jose Manuel Gomez-Perez, Raul Palma, Marcin Krystek, Simone Mantovani, Federica Foglini, Valentina Grande, Francesco De Leo, Stefano Salvi, Elisa Trasatti, Vito Romaniello, Mirko Albani, Cristiano Silvagni, Rosemarie Leone, Fulvio Marelli, Sergio Albani, Michele Lazzarini, Hazel J. Napier, Helen M. Glaves, Timothy Aldridge, Charles Meertens, Fran Boler, Henry W. Loescher, Christine Laney, Melissa A. Genazzio, Daniel Crawl, Ilkay Altintas (2019):
Enabling FAIR research in Earth Science through research objects. Future Generation Computing Systems 98 [preprint]

Raul Palma, Andrés García-Silva, Jose Manuel Gomez-Perez, Marcin Krystek (2018):
A Research Object-based Toolkit to Support the Earth Science Research Lifecycle.
2018 IEEE 14th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science) [preprint] [pdf] [html .zip] [research object]