A manager will operate at a higher strategic level, and may not necessarily want the deep technical / implementation details around RO-crates. A higher level view of RO-crates in a wider context is required.
Related use cases
Autosubmit is an open source Python experiment and workflow manager used to manage complex workflows on Cloud and HPC platforms. Autosubmit uses RO-Crate to package the configuration, traces (logs, metrics, databases, etc.), and data of experiments and workflows.
LDaCA uses RO-Crate as an interchange and archive format for language data, and is providing data discovery portals and API access to data using RO-Crate-centric APIs.
LivePublication is a proof of concept of an executable paper, which interactive visualization and statistical calculations can be regenerated on the fly taking into consideration data sources updated after the paper’s publication date.
ROHub is a solution for the storage, lifecycle management and preservation of scientific work and operational processes via research objects. It makes these resources available to others, allows to publish and release them through a DOI, and allows to discover and reuse pre-existing scientific knowledge.
The UTS Cultural Datasets project is collaborating with Humanities and Social Science (HASS) researchers and is re-using existing UTS Data infrastructure to build interactive services that allow people to use the data.
WfExS-backend is a high-level workflow execution command line program that consumes and creates RO-Crates, focusing on the interconnection of content-sensitive research infrastructures for handling sensitive human data analysis scenarios
WorkflowHub imports and exports Workflow RO-Crates, using it as an exchange format. They are a specialization of RO-Crate for packaging an executable workflow with all necessary documentation. It is aligned with, and intends to strictly extend, the more general Bioschemas ComputationalWorkflow profile.