Software Development
Related use cases
The COMPSs programming model is able to record Workflow Provenance in RO-Crate format, for governance and reproducibility of computational experiments
EGI’s Application Database (AppDB) has support for RO-Crate download, either as a JSON-LD metadata file or a ZIP archive.
AROMA (ARP RO-Crate Manager) is part of Hungarian initiative ELKH ARP, extending Harvard Dataverse to allow dynamic metadata editing of data deposit metadata.
LDaCA uses RO-Crate as an interchange and archive format for language data, and is providing data discovery portals and API access to data using RO-Crate-centric APIs.
Life Monitor is a testing and monitoring service for computational workflows being developed as part of the EOSC-Life project. It aims to facilitate the execution, monitoring and sharing of workflow tests over time, allowing to detect deviations from expected workflow operation and provide useful feedback to the workflow authors
LivePublication is a proof of concept of an executable paper, which interactive visualization and statistical calculations can be regenerated on the fly taking into consideration data sources updated after the paper’s publication date.
Research Object Composer is a REST API for gradually building and depositing Research Objects according to a pre-defined profile.