Compliance Officer
A compliance officer ensures that various research outputs conform to either policy or legal requirements in research, and here may either be judging the suitability of RO-crates for use in their research/development context, or else ensuring outputs conform to those regulations. And profiles or schemas for consistency.
Related use cases
The Five Safes RO-Crate profile extend the Workflow Run RO-Crate profile for use in Trusted Research Environments (TRE).
The DeSci Nodes system has been developed by the DeSci foundation, where dPID (distibuted Persistent Identifier) act as an overlay of the Interplanetary File System (IPFS)
LDaCA uses RO-Crate as an interchange and archive format for language data, and is providing data discovery portals and API access to data using RO-Crate-centric APIs.
WfExS-backend is a high-level workflow execution command line program that consumes and creates RO-Crates, focusing on the interconnection of content-sensitive research infrastructures for handling sensitive human data analysis scenarios