Data Steward
A data steward is responsible for all data in the various data life cycle stages. In this context, RO-crate may be a solution at various stages of the data life cycle.
Related use cases
The Five Safes RO-Crate profile extend the Workflow Run RO-Crate profile for use in Trusted Research Environments (TRE).
Arkisto was a project website that aimed to outline a principled approach to research data management.
AROMA (ARP RO-Crate Manager) is part of Hungarian initiative ELKH ARP, extending Harvard Dataverse to allow dynamic metadata editing of data deposit metadata.
JAX BioConnect is an index of research data that supports data sharing, high-quality curation, and consistent data description.
The Data Stewardship Wizard (DSW) is an interactive platform for making data management plans
RDA maDMP Mapper and Ro-Crate_2ma-DMP can convert between machine-actionable data management plans (maDMP) and RO-Crate.
Reproducible XAFS Analyses publishes reproducible X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) analyses using Galaxy RO-Crates, targeting the area of Catalysis.
RRKive is a website aimed to outline a principled approach to research data management with guidance on data storage and metadata
Sciebo RDS (Research Data Services) is a self-hosted interface between data repositories and file storage solutions, assisting the research data deposition process with annotations made using Describo Online and stored as an RO-Crate
The UTS Cultural Datasets project is collaborating with Humanities and Social Science (HASS) researchers and is re-using existing UTS Data infrastructure to build interactive services that allow people to use the data.
The Semantic Technologies (SemTec) team in ZB MED uses GitHub pages to share research projects and corresponding research artefacts/outcomes.