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RO-Crate Tools

Tool Description Status
aiida-rocrate AiiDA plugin that allows exporting (parts) of the provenance graph as Research Object Crates. planning
arc-to-roc Generate RO-Crate from an Annotated Research Context (ARC), see DataPlant
CheckMyCrate Validation according to Workflow RO-Crate profile alpha
Common Data Model Builder (cdmb) From a data model expressed in Python, generate a reproducible folder structure of the research project as a Research Object (RO).
Crate-O Browser-based editor for Research Object Crates, inspired by Describo, with vocabulary support for Style schemas (SOSSs) alpha
Describo An intuitive and extensible tool for working with RO-Crates. Transform, Discover, Explore, Describe. production
dmbon-assistant Data management assistant that publishes RO-Crate alpha
ELN validator Validates ELN RO-Crates for electronic lab notebooks (~ beta) beta
FAIR-Research-Object Evaluate FAIRness of Research Objects through an API prototype
galaxy2cwl Wraps Galaxy workflow as Workflow RO-Crate alpha
profile-repository-to-pages RO-Crate profile registry that extracts metadata from Profile Crates prototype
repo2crate Generate a Workflow Testing RO-Crate from a "best-practices" workflow repository
ro-crate-benchmarks Benchmarks for performance testing RO-Crate libraries
ro-crate-excel Command-line tool to help create RO-Crates from spreadsheets beta
ro-crate-html HTML rendering of RO-Crate beta
ro-crate-inveniordm Command line tool to deposit a RO-Crate directory to an InvenioRDM and populate the InvenioRDM metadata using the RO-Crate metadata. Forked from ro-crates-deposit. alpha
ro-crate-java Java API for creating and modifying RO-Crate using builder pattern
ro-crate-js JavaScript/NodeJS library for RO-Crate rendering as HTML. beta
ro-crate-preview GitHub Action for ro-crate-html, e.g. publishing crates on GitHub Pages alpha
ro-crate-py Python library to consume/produce RO-Crates beta
RO-Crate-Registry Web-based registry of RO-Crates (assumes ZIP on http/https) prototype
ro-crate-ruby Ruby library to consume/produce RO-Crates beta
ro-crate-validator-py Modular RO-Crate validator deprecated
ro-crate-zenodo Command line tool to upload RO-Crates to Zenodo and populate the Zenodo metadata using the RO-Crate metadata. alpha
RO-Crates-and-Excel Generate RO-Crate from Excel file, following the RO-Crates-and-Excel profile.
ro-crates-deposit Command line tool to deposit a RO-Crate directory to an InvenioRDM. No longer maintained; see ro-crate-inveniordm inactive
roc-validator RO-Crate validator with support for profiles and SHACL beta
ROCrate-interface Initial development in creating an interface between workflow languages and a LivePublication RO-crate specification prototype
rocrate-lang-py RO Crate Python library to help you load language data from ro-crates prototype
rocrate-preview-widget React web application to dynamically preview an RO-Crate prototype
rocrate-to-pages GitHub action to generate a GitHub Pages web site from a RO-Crate git repository alpha
rocrate-to-sembench GitHub action to prepare a rocrate for pysembench alpha
ROCrate_enrichment_service API-based metadata enrichment service for RO-Crates prototype
ROCrates.Net Programmatically create and manipulate RO-Crates in C# and .NET alpha
Sciebo Research Data Services Move research data from OwnCloud to Zenodo or OSF, parsing/creating RO-Crate Metadata file
signposting Python library & CLI tool for resolving PIDs as FAIR Signposting, e.g. DOIs from WorkflowHub to RO-Crate beta
tonkaz Tool to verify workflow reproducibility, compares RO-Crates of workflow execution results.
tuw-rocrate-automation/ Convert RO-Crate (Research Object Crate) to reposit into InvenioRDM alpha
ya2ro Generate RO-Crate and HTML page from YAML template with look-up of DOI/ORCID/GitHub metadata prototype