Teaching: 17 min
Exercises: 0 minQuestions
How do I package data in a FAIR way?
How can I list the authors of individual files?
Can I use multiple licenses in the same data package?
How can I visualize JSON-LD metadata?
Construct an RO-Crate by hand using JSON
Describe each part of the Research Object
Learn basic JSON-LD to create FAIR metadata
Connect different parts of the Research Object using identifiers
This tutorial assumes you have already completed An overview of the RO-Crate concept and its implementations:
Key Points
RO-Crate provides a structure to make FAIR data packages in JSON-LD provides a controlled vocabulary for FAIR metadata
Each entity of the crate is described separately
Cross-references between entities create a graph
The RO-Crate specification recommends which types and keys to use