This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

Packaging Data using RO-Crate

This lesson is intended to teach users how to use RO-Crate (Research Object Crates) for packaging research data.


  • Files and folder organization and using an editor/IDE
  • Familiarity with JSON file format

Target Audience

This tutorial targets researchers and infrastructure managers who are producing file-based datasets. The audience will learn the method RO-Crate for publishing such datasets using a pragmatic approach to structure and provide FAIR metadata.

Learning Objectives


Setup Download files required for the lesson
00:00 1. Introduction How do I package data in a FAIR way?
How can I list the authors of individual files?
Can I use multiple licenses in the same data package?
How can I visualize JSON-LD metadata?
00:17 2. Turning a folder into an RO-Crate How can I start a new RO-Crate?
00:24 3. Making a metadata descriptor Which RO-Crate version is used?
How can the crate self-identify as an RO-Crate?
00:28 4. Declaring the root folder What is the root folder?
00:31 5. Describing the root entity How can I describe the crate?
How do I specify the license of the RO-Crate?
00:39 6. Adding cross-references How can I describe an entity further?
How can I cross-reference different entities?
00:46 7. Data entities How do I describe the files in my RO-Crate?
00:50 8. Contextual entities How can I describe things in the world?
How can I give details about licenses?
00:54 9. Authorship in crates How can I list who made the content of the crate?
How do I affiliate a person with their place of work?
01:00 10. Validating JSON-LD How can I validate the JSON-LD?
01:06 11. Converting JSON-LD to triples How can I generate RDF triples from an RO-Crate?
01:09 12. Visualizing a crate as HTML preview How can an RO-Crate be rendered without showing the JSON?
How can I generate a preview of the RO-Crate?
01:15 13. Completed RO-Crate What should the final RO-Crate look like?
01:16 14. Next steps What else can I do with RO-Crate?
01:17 Finish

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.