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Workflow Run RO-Crate

RO-Crate profiles to capture the provenance of workflow runs

Workflow Run RO-Crate

Workflow Run RO-Crate is a working group for defining RO-Crate profiles for capturing the provenance of an execution of a computational workflow.

WRROC Profiles

The Workflow Run RO-Crate (WRROC) profile collection is the main outcome of the group’s activities.

Workflow Run RO-Crate is an extension of RO-Crate (Research Object Crate) and to capture the provenance of the execution of computational workflows at different levels of granularity and bundle together all their associated products (inputs, outputs, code, etc.).

Citation and publications

Simone Leo, Michael R. Crusoe, Laura Rodríguez-Navas, Raül Sirvent, Alexander Kanitz, Paul De Geest, Rudolf Wittner, Luca Pireddu, Daniel Garijo, José M. Fernández, Iacopo Colonnelli, Matej Gallo, Tazro Ohta, Hirotaka Suetake, Salvador Capella-Gutierrez, Renske de Wit, Bruno de Paula Kinoshita, Stian Soiland-Reyes (2023):
Recording provenance of workflow runs with RO-Crate.

See Outreach for other citations, publications and presentations on Workflow Run RO-Crate


The Workflow Run RO-Crate working group is part of the RO-Crate community.

We coordinate using the channel #ro-crate on (join) and the RO-Crate mailing list. Material from or related to the group’s activity is available from the GitHub repository.

Currently we have bi-weekly meetings you are welcome to attend.

Post here to join the working group.


Implementations & examples

Several workflow engines have implemented the WRROC profiles or are planning to do so:

Implementation Profile Version URL/DOI Example
runcrate Provenance runcrate 0.5.0 or later 10.5281/zenodo.7774351
Galaxy Workflow Galaxy 23.1.1 or later 10.5281/zenodo.7785861
COMPSs Workflow compss 3.2 or later 10.5281/zenodo.7788030
StreamFlow Provenance Streamflow 0.2.0.dev10 10.5281/zenodo.7911906
WfExS Workflow WfExS 0.10.1 or later 10.5281/zenodo.10091550
Sapporo Workflow sapporo-service 1.5.1 or later 10.5281/zenodo.10134581
Autosubmit Workflow Autosubmit v4.0.100 or later 10.5281/zenodo.8144612
Nextflow Provenance (nf-prov in development) example

The Process Crate profile can also be implemented outside workflow systems, see for example BY-COVID WP5 T5.2 Baseline Use Case and combination with Common Provenance Model. Editors like Crate-O can be used for making such crates by hand.

The Workflow Crate and Provenance Crate profiles extends the Workflow RO-Crate profile, which is supported by WorkflowHub registry.

The Workflow Crate profiles have themselves been extended by the Five Safes RO-Crate, used by the projects TRE-FX and EOSC-ENTRUST.

In addition, some computational workflow approaches have RO-Crate support which predate the WRROC profiles: LivePublication (example, paper), RECUP (paper), FAIRSCAPE (paper)

Training and outreach

Other resources

License for specifications

© 2021–2024 The University of Manchester, UK
© 2022–2024 Centro di Ricerca, Sviluppo e Studi Superiori in Sardegna (CRS4), IT © 2022–2024 Workflow Run Crate task force contributors

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

License for examples

Profile Crates and JSON-LD examples within this specification are distributed under CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication.