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Workflow Run RO-Crate

RO-Crate profiles to capture the provenance of workflow runs

CWL parameter mapping

Type mappings


Map to Text.

    "@id": "#param/in_str",
    "@type": "FormalParameter",
    "additionalType": "Text",
    "name": "in_str"
    "@id": "#pv/in_str",
    "@type": "PropertyValue",
    "exampleOfWork": {"@id": "#param/in_str"},
    "name": "in_str",
    "value": "spam"


A property in RO-Crate can have a single value or multiple values, so the additionalType can simply be the mapping of the element’s type (e.g., string[] to Text). To register the fact that the workflow allows multiple entries for that parameter, set multipleValues to True:

    "@id": "#param/in_array",
    "@type": "FormalParameter",
    "additionalType": "Text",
    "multipleValues": "True",
    "name": "in_array"
    "@id": "#pv/in_array",
    "@type": "PropertyValue",
    "exampleOfWork": {"@id": "#param/in_array"},
    "name": "in_array",
    "value": ["foo", "bar"]

This reuses multipleValues from PropertyValueSpecification, similarly to what FormalParameter does for defaultValue and valueRequired.


Map to DataType.

    "@id": "#param/in_any",
    "@type": "FormalParameter",
    "additionalType": "DataType",
    "name": "in_any"
    "@id": "#pv/in_any",
    "@type": "PropertyValue",
    "exampleOfWork": {"@id": "#param/in_any"},
    "name": "in_any",
    "value": "tar"


Map to Boolean.

    "@id": "#param/in_bool",
    "@type": "FormalParameter",
    "additionalType": "Boolean",
    "name": "in_bool"
    "@id": "#pv/in_bool",
    "@type": "PropertyValue",
    "exampleOfWork": {"@id": "#param/in_bool"},
    "name": "in_bool",
    "value": "True"

int, long

Map to Integer.

    "@id": "#param/in_int",
    "@type": "FormalParameter",
    "additionalType": "Integer",
    "name": "in_int"
    "@id": "#pv/in_int",
    "@type": "PropertyValue",
    "exampleOfWork": {"@id": "#param/in_int"},
    "name": "in_int",
    "value": "42"

float, double

Map to Float.

    "@id": "#param/in_float",
    "@type": "FormalParameter",
    "additionalType": "Float",
    "name": "in_float"
    "@id": "#pv/in_float",
    "@type": "PropertyValue",
    "exampleOfWork": {"@id": "#param/in_float"},
    "name": "in_float",
    "value": "3.14"

multiple types

Map to array of mappings of each type, e.g., [int, float] to ["Integer", "Float"]. Note that the CWL type array may include "null", indicating that the parameter is optional (and should have a default value): in this case, set valueRequired to False:

    "@id": "#param/in_multi",
    "@type": "FormalParameter",
    "additionalType": ["Float", "Integer"],
    "defaultValue": "9.99",
    "name": "in_multi",
    "valueRequired": "False"
    "@id": "#pv/in_multi",
    "@type": "PropertyValue",
    "exampleOfWork": {"@id": "#param/in_multi"},
    "name": "in_multi",
    "value": "9.99"


Map to Text. The set of predefined allowed values can be represented via valuePattern:

    "@id": "#param/in_enum",
    "@type": "FormalParameter",
    "additionalType": "Text",
    "name": "in_enum",
    "valuePattern": "A|B"
    "@id": "#pv/in_enum",
    "@type": "PropertyValue",
    "exampleOfWork": {"@id": "#param/in_enum"},
    "name": "in_enum",
    "value": "B"


Map to PropertyValue. It actually maps to an array of PropertyValues, so multipleValues can be set to True (similarly to the mapping of array). To serialize the actual value of {"in_record_A": "Tom", "in_record_B": "Jerry"}, use nested PropertyValues:

    "@id": "#param/in_record",
    "@type": "FormalParameter",
    "additionalType": "PropertyValue",
    "multipleValues": "True",
    "name": "in_record"
    "@id": "#pv/in_record",
    "@type": "PropertyValue",
    "exampleOfWork": {"@id": "#param/in_record"},
    "name": "in_record",
    "value": [
        {"@id": "#pv/in_record/in_record_A"},
        {"@id": "#pv/in_record/in_record_B"}
    "@id": "#pv/in_record/in_record_A",
    "@type": "PropertyValue",
    "name": "in_record/in_record_A",
    "value": "Tom"
    "@id": "#pv/in_record/in_record_B",
    "@type": "PropertyValue",
    "name": "in_record/in_record_B",
    "value": "Jerry"

In the above example, record keys have been used to set additional slash-separated fields in the @id.



Use FormalParameter’s encodingFormat:

    "@id": "#param/input",
    "@type": "FormalParameter",
    "additionalType": "File",
    "encodingFormat": "",
    "name": "input"