@id | ./ |
name [?] | Promort tissue and tumor prediction |
@type | Dataset |
datePublished [?] | 2022-02-28T15:35:39+00:00 |
hasPart [?] | |
isBasedOn [?] | https://github.com/crs4/deephealth-pipelines |
license [?] | MIT |
mainEntity [?] | Promort tissue and tumor prediction |
mentions [?] | Promort prediction run on 2021-06-29T16:07:14.873427+00:00 |
Items that reference this one | |
about [?] | ro-crate-metadata.json |
@id | predictions.cwl |
name [?] | Promort tissue and tumor prediction |
@type |
input [?] | |
output [?] | |
programmingLanguage [?] | Common Workflow Language |
url [?] | https://github.com/crs4/deephealth-pipelines |
version [?] | 0.1.0b1 |
Items that reference this one | |
hasPart [?] | Promort tissue and tumor prediction |
mainEntity [?] | Promort tissue and tumor prediction |
instrument [?] | Promort prediction run on 2021-06-29T16:07:14.873427+00:00 |
@id | http://slide-repository:5000/slides/DHT00001-1.mrxs |
@type | File |
encodingFormat [?] | https://openslide.org/formats/mirax/ |
exampleOfWork [?] | slide |
url [?] | http://slide-repository:5000/slides/DHT00001-1.mrxs |
Items that reference this one | |
hasPart [?] | Promort tissue and tumor prediction |
object [?] | Promort prediction run on 2021-06-29T16:07:14.873427+00:00 |
@id | tissue_high.zip |
@type | File |
encodingFormat [?] | https://zarr.readthedocs.io/en/stable/spec/v2.html |
contentSize [?] | 4099 |
exampleOfWork [?] | tissue |
Items that reference this one | |
hasPart [?] | Promort tissue and tumor prediction |
result [?] | Promort prediction run on 2021-06-29T16:07:14.873427+00:00 |
@id | tumor.zip |
@type | File |
encodingFormat [?] | https://zarr.readthedocs.io/en/stable/spec/v2.html |
contentSize [?] | 70100 |
exampleOfWork [?] | tumor |
Items that reference this one | |
hasPart [?] | Promort tissue and tumor prediction |
result [?] | Promort prediction run on 2021-06-29T16:07:14.873427+00:00 |
@id | #b5aa3374-235a-4741-b20d-99434d5b046d |
name [?] | Promort prediction run on 2021-06-29T16:07:14.873427+00:00 |
@type | CreateAction |
endTime [?] | 2021-06-29T16:09:45.814390+00:00 |
instrument [?] | Promort tissue and tumor prediction |
object [?] |
result [?] | |
startTime [?] | 2021-06-29T16:07:14.873427+00:00 |
Items that reference this one | |
mentions [?] | Promort tissue and tumor prediction |