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Root Data Entity

Table of contents

  1. RO-Crate Metadata Descriptor
    1. Finding the Root Data Entity
    2. Purpose of Metadata Document
  2. Direct properties of the Root Data Entity
    1. Root Data Entity identifier
      1. Resolvable persistent identifiers and citation text
  3. Minimal example of RO-Crate

The Root Data Entity is a Dataset that represents the RO-Crate as a whole; a Research Object that includes the Data Entities and the related Contextual Entities.

An RO-Crate is described using JSON-LD by an RO-Crate Metadata Document. As explained in section RO-Crate Structure this may be stored in an RO-Crate Metadata File. In this section we describe the format of the JSON-LD document.

RO-Crate Metadata Descriptor

The RO-Crate Metadata Document MUST contain a self-describing RO-Crate Metadata Descriptor with the @id value ro-crate-metadata.json (or ro-crate-metadata.jsonld in legacy crates for RO-Crate 1.0 or older) and @type CreativeWork. This descriptor MUST have an about property referencing the Root Data Entity’s @id.

{ "@context": "", 
  "@graph": [
        "@type": "CreativeWork",
        "@id": "ro-crate-metadata.json",
        "about": {"@id": "./"},
        "conformsTo": {"@id": ""}
      "@id": "./",
      "@type": "Dataset",

The conformsTo of the RO-Crate Metadata Descriptor SHOULD be a versioned permalink URI of the RO-Crate specification that the RO-Crate JSON-LD conforms to. The URI SHOULD start with

Finding the Root Data Entity

In most cases, consumers processing the RO-Crate as a JSON-LD graph can thus reliably find the Root Data Entity by following this algorithm:

  1. For each entity in @graph array
  2. .. if the @id is ro-crate-metadata.json
  3. …. from this entity’s about object, keep the @id URI as variable root
  4. .. if the @id is ro-crate-metadata.jsonld
  5. …. from this entity’s about object, keep the @id URI as variable legacyroot
  6. For each entity in @graph array
  7. .. if the entity has an @id URI that matches a non-null root return it
  8. For each entity in @graph array
  9. .. if the entity has an @id URI that matches a non-null legacyroot return it
  10. Fail with unknown root data entity.

Note that the above can be implemented efficiently by first building a map entity_map of all entities using their @id as keys (which is typically also helpful for further processing) and then performing a series of lookups. Ignoring the legacy case for now, this lookup code could be:

metadata_entity = entity_map["ro-crate-metadata.json"]
root_entity = entity_map[metadata_entity["about"]["@id"]]

See also the appendix on finding RO-Crate Root in RDF triple stores.

Purpose of Metadata Document

To ensure a base-line interoperability between RO-Crates, and for an RO-Crate to be considered a Valid RO-Crate, a minimum set of metadata is required for the Root Data Entity. As stated earlier, the RO-Crate Metadata Document is not an exhaustive manifest or inventory, that is, it does not necessarily list or describe all files in the package. For this reason, there are no minimum metadata requirements in terms of describing Data Entities (files and folders) other than the Root Data Entity. Extensions of RO-Crate dealing with specific types of dataset may apply further constraints or requirements of metadata beyond the Root Data Entity (see the appendix Extending RO-Crate).

The RO-Crate Metadata Descriptor MAY contain information such as licensing for the RO-Crate Metadata Document if metadata is licensed separately from the crate’s Data entities.

The section below outlines the properties that the Root Data Entity MUST have to be minimally valid.

Direct properties of the Root Data Entity

The Root Data Entity MUST have the following properties:

  • @type: MUST be Dataset or an array that contains Dataset
  • @id: SHOULD be the string ./ or an absolute URI (see below)
  • name: SHOULD identify the dataset to humans well enough to disambiguate it from other RO-Crates
  • description: SHOULD further elaborate on the name to provide a summary of the context in which the dataset is important.
  • datePublished: MUST be a single string value in ISO 8601 date format, SHOULD be specified to at least the precision of a day, and MAY be a timestamp down to the millisecond.
  • license: SHOULD link to a Contextual Entity or Data Entity in the RO-Crate Metadata Document with a name and description (see section on licensing). MAY, if necessary, be a textual description of how the RO-Crate may be used.

Additional properties of types Dataset and CreativeWork MAY be added to further describe the RO-Crate as a whole, e.g. author, abstract, publisher. See sections contextual entities and provenance for further details.

Root Data Entity identifier

The root data entity’s @id SHOULD be either ./ (indicating the directory containing ro-crate-metadata.json is the RO-Crate Root), or an absolute URI (indicating a detached RO-Crate).

If the @id of the Root Data Entity is an absolute URI, an Attached RO-Crate MAY contain both data entities using relative URI references (relative to the RO-Crate Root) and Web-based Data Entities using absolute URIs, but it is RECOMMENDED that data entities are referenced using absolute URIs.

RO-Crates that have been assigned a persistent identifier (e.g. a DOI) SHOULD indicate this using identifier on the Root Data Entity using the approach set out in the Science On guides, that is, through a PropertyValue.

Resolvable persistent identifiers and citation text

It is RECOMMENDED that resolving the identifier programmatically returns the RO-Crate Metadata Document or an archive (e.g. ZIP) that contains the RO-Crate Metadata File, using content negotiation and/or Signposting. With an RO-Crate identifier that is persistent and resolvable in this way from a URI, the root data entity SHOULD indicate this using the cite-as property according to RFC8574. Likewise, an HTTP/HTTPS server of the resolved RO-Crate Metadata Document or archive (possibly after redirection) SHOULD indicate that persistent identifier in its Signposting headers using Link rel="cite-as".

Any entity which is a subclass of CreativeWork, including Datasets like the Root Data Entity, MAY have a creditText property which provides a textual citation for the entity.

Minimal example of RO-Crate

The following RO-Crate Metadata Document represents a minimal description of an RO-Crate that also follows the identifier recommendations above.

{ "@context": "", 
  "@graph": [

    "@id": "ro-crate-metadata.json",
    "@type": "CreativeWork",
    "about": {"@id": "./"},
    "conformsTo": {"@id": ""}
    "@id": "./",
    "@type": "Dataset",
    "identifier": {"@id": ""},
    "cite-as": "",
    "datePublished": "2017",
    "name": "Data files associated with the manuscript:Effects of facilitated family case conferencing for ...",
    "description": "Palliative care planning for nursing home residents with advanced dementia ...",
    "license": {"@id": ""},
    "creditText": "Agar, M. et al., 2017. Data supporting \"Effects of facilitated family case conferencing for advanced dementia: A cluster randomised clinical trial\"."
    "@id": "",
    "@type": "CreativeWork",
    "description": "This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Australia License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.",
    "identifier": "",
    "name": "Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Australia (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 AU)"
    "@id": "",
    "@type": "PropertyValue",
    "propertyID": "",
    "value": "doi:10.4225/59/59672c09f4a4b",
    "url": ""