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Data Entities

Table of contents

  1. Referencing files and folders from the Root Data Entity
    1. Example linking to a file and folders
    2. Adding detailed descriptions of encodings
    3. File format profiles
  2. Core Metadata for Data Entities
    1. Encoding file paths
    2. File Data Entity
    3. Directory File Entity
  3. Web-based Data Entities
    1. Encoding file paths
    2. Embedded data entities that are also on the web
    3. Directories on the web; dataset distributions

The primary purpose for RO-Crate is to gather and describe a set of Data entities in the form of:

  • Files
  • Directories
  • Web resources

The data entities can be further described by referencing contextual entities such as persons, organizations and publications.

Referencing files and folders from the Root Data Entity

Where files and folders are represented as Data Entities in the RO-Crate JSON-LD, these MUST be linked to, either directly or indirectly, from the Root Data Entity using the hasPart property. Directory hierarchies MAY be represented with nested Dataset Data Entities, or the Root Dataset MAY refer to files anywhere in the hierarchy using hasPart.

Data Entities representing files: MUST have "File" as a value for @type. File is an RO-Crate alias for The term File includes:

  • Attached resources where @id is a URI (path) relative to the RO-Crate Root which MUST resolve to file.
  • Detached “downloadable” resources where @id is an absolute URI which resolves to a single datastream that can be downloaded and saved as a file. Detached Files SHOULD NOT reference intermediate resources such as splash-pages, search services or web-based viewer applications.

Data Entities representing directories MUST have Dataset as a value for @type. The term directory here includes HTTP file listings where @id is an absolute URI, however “external, Detached directories SHOULD have a programmatic listing of their content (e.g. another RO-Crate). It follows that the RO-Crate Root is itself a data entity.

Data Entities can also be other types, for instance an online database. These SHOULD be a @type of CreativeWork (or one of its subtypes) and typically have a @id which is an absolute URI.

In all cases, @type MAY be an array in order to also specify a more specific type, e.g. "@type": ["File", "ComputationalWorkflow"]

There is no requirement to represent every file and folder in an RO-Crate as Data Entities in the RO-Crate JSON-LD. Reasons for not describing files would include that the files:

  • are described in some other way, for example a manifest or another package management system,
  • are supporting files for a software application,
  • have metadata embedded in their filenames or paths which can be explained once,
  • have a purpose that is unknown to the crate author, but they need to be preserved as part of an archive.

In any of the above cases where files are not described, a directory containing a set of files MAY be described using a Dataset Data Entity that encapsulates the files with a description property that explains the contents. If the RO-Crate file structure is flat, or files are not grouped together a description property on the Root Data Entity may be used, or a Dataset with a local reference beginning with # (eg to describe certain type of file which occurs throughout the crate). This approach is recommended for RO-Crates which are to be deposited in a long-term archive.

Example linking to a file and folders

<RO-Crate root>/
  |   ro-crate-metadata.json
  |   lots_of_little_files/
  |    | file1
  |    | file2
  |    | ...
  |    | file54

An example RO-Crate JSON-LD for the above would be as follows:

{ "@context": "",
  "@graph": [
      "@type": "CreativeWork",
      "@id": "ro-crate-metadata.json",
      "conformsTo": {"@id": ""},
      "about": {"@id": "./"}
      "@id": "./",
      "@type": [
      "hasPart": [
          "@id": ""
          "@id": "lots_of_little_files/"
      "@id": "",
      "@type": "File",
      "name": "Diagram showing trend to increase",
      "contentSize": "383766",
      "description": "Illustrator file for Glop Pot",
      "encodingFormat": "application/pdf"
      "@id": "lots_of_little_files/",
      "@type": "Dataset",
      "name": "Too many files",
      "description": "This directory contains many small files - the name of the file is a date in YYYY-MM-DD.csv, each file contains daily temperature readings, sampled hourly for the Glop Pot cave."

If the dataset contained a large number of *.ai files which were spread throughout the crate structure and which did not have File Data Entities then a approach to describing them would be:

      "@id": "./",
      "@type": [
      "hasPart": [
          "@id": "#ai-files"

      "@id": "#ai-files",
      "@type": "Dataset",
      "name": ".ai Files",
      "description": "This dataset contains some files with the extension '.ai' which despite their extension have an encoding format of 'application/pdf'. These have yet to be catalogued."

Adding detailed descriptions of encodings

The above example provides a media type for the file - which is useful as it may not be apparent that the file is readable as a PDF file from the extension alone. To add more detail, encodings SHOULD be linked using a PRONOM identifier to a Contextual Entity with @type array containing WebPage and Standard.

    "@id": "",
    "@type": "File",
    "name": "Glop Plot map",
    "contentSize": "383766",
    "description": "Illustrator file for Glop Pot",
    "encodingFormat": ["application/pdf", {"@id": ""}]
    "@id": "",
    "name": "Acrobat PDF 1.5 - Portable Document Format",
    "@type": ["WebPage", "Standard"]

If there is no PRONOM identifier (and typically no media type string), then a contextual entity with a different URL as an @id MAY be used, e.g. documentation page of a software’s file format. The contextual entity SHOULD NOT include Standard in its @type if the page do not sufficiently document the format. The @type SHOULD include WebPage, or MAY include WebPageElement to indicate a section of the page.

For example, .trr is a an internal GROMACS file format that is not further documented as a standard, but is referenced from a WebPageElement adressable by an #anchor:

    "@id": "traj.trr",
    "@type": "File",
    "name": "Trajectory",
    "description": "Trajectory of molecular dynamics simulation using GROMACS",
    "contentSize": "45512",
    "encodingFormat": {"@id": ""}
    "@id": "",
    "@type": "WebPageElement",
    "name": "GROMACS trajectory of a simulation (trr)"

If there is no web-accessible description for a file format it SHOULD be described locally in the RO-Crate, for example in a Markdown file:

    "@id": "some-file.some_extension",
    "@type": "File",
    "name": "Some file",
    "description": "A file in a non-standard format",
    "contentSize": "120",
    "encodingFormat": ["text/plain", {"@id": ""}]
    "@id": "",
    "@type": ["File", "CreativeWork"],
    "name": "Description of some_extension text-based file format",
    "encodingFormat": "text/markdown"

File format profiles

Some generic file formats like application/json may be specialized using a profile document that define expectations for the file’s content as expected by some applications, by using conformsTo to a contextual entity with types CreativeWork and Profile:

  "@id": "attributes.csv",
  "@type": "File",
  "encodingFormat": ["text/csv", {"@id": ""}],
  "conformsTo": {"@id": ""}
  "@id": "",
  "@type": ["CreativeWork", "Profile"],
  "name": "dataspice CSV profile"

Profiles expressed in formal languages (e.g. XML Schema for validation) can have their own encodingFormat and conformsTo to indicate their file format.

The Metadata Descriptor ro-crate-metadata.json is not a data entity, but is described with conformsTo to an implicit contextual entity for the RO-Crate specification, a profile of JSON-LD. RO-Crates themselves can be specialized using Profile Crates, specified with conformsTo on the root data entity.

Core Metadata for Data Entities

Encoding file paths

Note that all @id identifiers must be valid URI references, care must be taken to express any relative paths using / separator, correct casing, and escape special characters like space (%20) and percent (%25), for instance a File Data Entity from the Windows path Results and Diagrams\almost-50%.png becomes "@id": "Results%20and%20Diagrams/almost-50%25.png" in the RO-Crate JSON-LD.

In this document the term URI includes international IRIs; the RO-Crate Metadata Document is always UTF-8 and international characters in identifiers SHOULD be written using native UTF-8 characters (IRIs), however traditional URL encoding of Unicode characters with % MAY appear in @id strings. Example: "@id": "面试.mp4" is preferred over the equivalent "@id": "%E9%9D%A2%E8%AF%95.mp4"

File Data Entity

A File Data Entity MUST have the following properties:

  • @type: MUST be File, or an array where File is one of the values.
  • @id MUST be either a URI Path relative to the RO-Crate root which MUST resolve to a file that is present in the RO-Crate Root, or an absolute URI.

Additionally, File entities SHOULD have:

  • name giving a human readable name (not necessarily the filename)
  • description giving a longer description, e.g. the role of this file within this crate
  • encodingFormat indicating the the IANA media type as a string (e.g. `“text/plain”) and/or a reference to file format contextual entity.
  • conformsTo to a contextual entity of type Profile, that indicate a profile of the encoding format
  • contentSize with the size of the file in bytes

RO-Crate’s File is an alias for type MediaObject, any of its properties MAY also be used (adding contextual entities as needed). Files on the web SHOULD also use identifier, url, subjectOf, and/or mainEntityOfPage.

Directory File Entity

A Dataset (directory) Data Entity MUST have the following properties:

  • @type MUST be Dataset or an array where Dataset is one of the values.
  • @id MUST be either:
  • a URI Path relative to the RO Crate root which MUST resolve to a directory that is present in the RO-Crate Root. The id SHOULD end with /.
  • an absolute URI
  • a local reference beginning with #

Additionally, Dataset entities SHOULD have:

  • name giving a human readable name (not necessarily the directory name)
  • description giving a longer description, e.g. the content of this directory
  • hasPart listing directly contained data entities

Any of the properties of Dataset MAY additionally be used (adding contextual entities as needed). Directories on the web SHOULD also provide distribution.

Web-based Data Entities

While one use-case of RO-Crates is to describe files contained within the RO-Crate root directory, RO-Crates can also gather resources from the web identified by absolute URIs instead of relative URI paths, i.e. Web-based data entities.

Using Web-based data entities can be important particularly where a file can’t be included in the RO-Crate root because of licensing concerns, large data sizes, privacy, or where it is desirable to link to the latest online version.

Example of an RO-Crate including a File Data Entity external to the RO-Crate root (file entity

{ "@context": "",
  "@graph": [
        "@type": "CreativeWork",
        "@id": "ro-crate-metadata.json",
        "conformsTo": {"@id": ""},
        "about": {"@id": "./"}
    "@id": "./",
    "@type": [
    "hasPart": [
        "@id": "survey-responses-2019.csv"
        "@id": ""
    "@id": "survey-responses-2019.csv",
    "@type": "File",
    "name": "Survey responses",
    "contentSize": "26452",
    "encodingFormat": "text/csv"
    "@id": "",
    "@type": "File",
    "name": "RO-Crate specification",
    "contentSize": "310691",
    "description": "RO-Crate specification",
    "encodingFormat": "application/pdf"

Additional care SHOULD be taken to improve persistence and long-term preservation of web resources included in an RO-Crate as they can be more difficult to archive or move along with the RO-Crate root, and may change intentionally or unintentionally leaving the RO-Crate with incomplete or outdated information.

File Data Entries with an @id URI outside the RO-Crate Root SHOULD at the time of RO-Crate creation be directly downloadable by a simple non-interactive retrieval (e.g. HTTP GET) of a single data stream, permitting redirections and HTTP/HTTPS authentication. For instance, in the example above, and cannot be used as @id above as retrieving these URLs give a HTML landing page rather than the desired PDF as indicated by encodingFormat.

As files on the web may change, the timestamp property sdDatePublished SHOULD be included to indicate when the absolute URL was accessed, and derived metadata like encodingFormat and contentSize were considered to be representative:

    "@id": "",
    "@type": "File",
    "name": "RO-Crate specification",
    "contentSize": "310691",
    "encodingFormat": "application/pdf",
    "sdDatePublished": "2020-04-09T13:09:21+01:00Z"

Encoding file paths

Note that all @id identifiers must be valid URI references, care must be taken to express any relative paths using / separator, correct casing, and escape special characters like space (%20) and percent (%25), for instance a File Data Entity from the Windows path Results and Diagrams\almost-50%.png becomes "@id": "Results%20and%20Diagrams/almost-50%25.png" in the RO-Crate JSON-LD.

In this document the term URI includes international IRIs; the RO-Crate Metadata File is always UTF-8 and international characters in identifiers SHOULD be written using native UTF-8 characters (IRIs), however traditional URL encoding of Unicode characters with % MAY appear in @id strings. Example: "@id": "面试.mp4" is preferred over the equivalent "@id": "%E9%9D%A2%E8%AF%95.mp4"

Embedded data entities that are also on the web

File Data Entities may already have a corresponding web presence, for instance a landing page that describes the file, including persistent identifiers (e.g. DOI) resolving to an intermediate HTML page instead of the downloadable file directly.

These can be included for File Data Entities as additional metadata, regardless of whether the File is included in the RO-Crate Root directory or exists on the Web, by using the properties:

  • identifier for formal identifier strings such as DOIs
  • [contentUrl] with a string URL corresponding to a download link. Following the link (allowing for HTTP redirects) SHOULD directly download the file.
  • url with a string URL for a download/landing page for this particular file (e.g. direct download is not available)
  • subjectOf to a CreativeWork (or WebPage) that mentions this file or its content (but also other resources)
  • mainEntityOfPage to a CreativeWork (or WebPage) that primarily describes this file (or its content)
    "@id": "survey-responses-2019.csv",
    "@type": "File",
    "name": "Survey responses",
    "encodingFormat": "text/csv",
    "contentUrl": "",
    "subjectOf": {"@id": ""}
    "@id": "",
    "@type": "File",
    "name": "RO-Crate specification",
    "encodingFormat": "application/pdf",
    "identifier": "",
    "url": ""

Directories on the web; dataset distributions

A Directory File Entry or Dataset identifier expressed as an absolute URL on the web can be harder to download than a File because it consists of multiple resources. It is RECOMMENDED that such directories have a complete listing of their content in hasPart, enabling download traversal.

Alternatively, a common mechanism to provide downloads of a reasonably sized directory is as an archive file in formats such as application/zip or application/gzip, described as a DataDownload.

    "@id": "lots_of_little_files/",
    "@type": "Dataset",
    "name": "Too many files",
    "description": "This directory contains many small files, that we're not going to describe in detail.",
    "distribution": {"@id": ""}
    "@id": "",
    "@type": "DataDownload",
    "encodingFormat": ["application/zip", {"@id": ""}],
    "contentSize": "82818928"

Similarly, the RO-Crate root entity may also provide a distribution URL, in which case the download SHOULD be an archive that contains the RO-Crate Metadata Document.

In all cases, consumers should be aware that a DataDownload is a snapshot that may not reflect the current state of the Dataset or RO-Crate.