2017-10-24 Revamped ROHub portal officially released

By stain

The completely renovated ROHub portal, developed by the EVER-EST project, includes a new and modern design, improved performance, plus a set of new features focused on improving the user experience. Screenshot of rohub.org The ROHub was also presented at IEEE eScience Conference, described in the paper Towards a Human-Machine Scientific Partnership Based on Semantically Rich Research Objects. Some of the key features in the current release include:

  • the activity search page to find and inspect events related to the research objects and/or resources

  • the about section with information about ROHub, Research Objects, News, Publications and the team behind

  • an informative box for research objects in the featured ROs section, and in the search results

  • a totally new presentation of the research object overview that includes the display of additional key metadata, an summary bar, and an action toolbox

  • the possibility to inspect & update on demand the semantics annotations that are extracted automatically from the research object content

  • the research object activity view to to find and inspect events related to the particular research objects and/or its resources

  • an improved design of the research object content, quality, relations and access control views

  • the research object lifecycle view that allows to inspect the change history of the research object

(Snipped from http://www.rohub.org/about/news)

José Manuel presenting “Towards a Human-Machine Scientific Partnership Based on Semantically Rich Research Objects” @escience pic.twitter.com/ctN6BU9q2y

– Andres García-Silva (@andresgs77) 26 October 2017